If your local Service Canada office is closed, you may not need to give your biometrics when you apply for a new work permit. After you apply and pay all your fees, we’ll let you know if this applies to you. If it does, we’ll refund your biometrics fee (CAN$85).

For more detail, please visit Canada.ca directly.

(URL: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/biometrics.html)

Book your Biometrics Appointment Online

(You will be redirected to Service Canada Appointment website)

Suspension of flights from India until September 21, 2021

COVID-19 – Global travel advisory to India The Government of Canada has suspended flights from India until September 21, 2021.During that period, passengers who travel to Canada from India via an indirect route will need to obtain a pre-departure negative COVID-19 molecular test result from a third country before continuing their journey to Canada. Travellers who have...

Biometrics collection gradual reactivation services —

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